Chilblains: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

April 9, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Disorders

Chilblains, which are referred to as perniosis in some circles, are common skin reactions that can be found in some people. This is a condition where the skin can swell up and begin to itch. This is a condition that is often found in people who experience cold and humid temperatures. This can especially occur in people who come indoors from cold weather.

The skin can easily do more than swell up when chilblains are found around it. It can even become infected in a few cases.

How It Happens

Chilblains are caused by cold weather conditions. These include conditions that are humid but not freezing. This happens in that a person’s blood vessels will not respond to sudden temperature changes. This is especially in the case that the skin cannot respond to heat in a short period of time.

The blood vessels can constrict in cold temperatures. They may not be able to respond too quickly when the body gets into warmer temperatures. This can cause blood to leak from the vessels into the skin. This will cause chilblains to occur.

This can occur in a number of different areas. It often occurs on the toes and fingers in most cases. The nose can also be subjected to chilblains.

These can also happen to a variety of different people. Younger women tend to suffer from them the most. People with poor blood circulation, particularly smokers, can also be more likely to develop chilblains. People who are not clothed properly could suffer from them as well.

How They Are Treated

Chilblains can be treated though. For example, it will help to first wear proper clothes when outdoors in cold or damp conditions. Also, it will help to avoid any cases of direct heat. It might even help to ease the body and relax it before going outdoors in cold temperatures. It will also be a good idea to keep an impacted area warm if chilblains are found.

Sometimes it can be a challenge to get them treated. It can take about a week or two for the signs or symptoms of chilblains to go away. It may help to talk with a doctor about using a topical cream to help relieve some of the effects of chilblains.

It will be smart to watch for how chilblains can be treated. These are conditions that can be difficult for the skin to handle in a number of cases. However, they do not have to be too serious as long as the right preventative measures are used.

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