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Flexural PsoriasisDefinitionThe name is derived from the Greek word Psora and means, “to itch”. It is the growth of too many skin cells. Flexural psoriasis is more frequent and severe in people who are overweight because it is in the skin folds where it is particularly prone to irritation from rubbing and sweating. But this type of disease affects both sexes equally and usually it first appears or mostly appears at the age ranging from 15 to 30 years, although it may appear at any age. It is a chronic disease characterized by thick, red, silvery, scaled patches of skin. In the United Kingdom, it is believed that around 1.2 million people suffer from this depressive and resistant disease. This figure is similarly affected in many countries around the world. CausesThe inflamed and flaked skin associated with Psoriasis is often accompanied by a severe itching sensation that may cause sufferers to scratch so vigorously that they draw blood. If you are genetically affected, certain things may activate the condition, including:
SymptomsTypical symptoms of psoriasis are itching, pain, and sensitivity of affected skin. Some important signs and symptoms include:
TreatmentSunshine may help to clear psoriasis. It is found that in many people it improves dramatically during sunny holidays. Take care, as psoriasis may develop in areas of sunburn, and fair skin exposed to ultraviolet radiation becomes prematurely aged and may develop skin cancer. Calcipotriol cream is an effective and safe treatment for psoriasis in the flexures and should be applied twice daily. If it irritates, it can be applied once daily and hydrocortisone cream 12 hours later. Doctors gives a advice to use proper medicine. Amevive, is a drug that blocks the activation of T-cells in the immune system. T-cells causes skin cells to develop too fast, which results in Psoriasis lesions. A cleansing fast that consists of seven days of fruit juice and water is sometimes recommended as the first step in the treatment process since Flexural Psoriasis is a metabolic illness. Citrus fruit and juices should be avoided, but carrots, cucumbers, and grapes can be used during this time |
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