Congenital Nevi

April 1, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Disorders

Congenital nevi are skin marks that are similar to birthmarks. Nevi can be found on the body at birth and can be caused by non-cancerous melanocytes on the outside parts of the skin. These are marks that can end up being developed around the skin even after birth.

The congenital nevi that a person can develop may occur in various parts around the body. These can be noted by certain areas of the skin that look darker or different in texture from other parts of a person’s skin.

These marks can be found in a variety of sizes. Some of them can be less than a centimeter in diameter while others can be more than twenty centimeters in diameter. Smaller nevi can surround larger nevi as well.

This may be caused by external influences on the neuroectoderm, a part of the skin where melanocytes form. The cells in the skin can end up being influenced to where they will influence the development of new marks.

Some rare cases can involve neurocutaneous melanosis, a condition where nevi and melanomic tissues can be found around the central nervous system. This could be due to high levels of pressure in the cranium.

Increased Potential For Melanoma?

Congenital nevi could be a sign of a person’s increased likelihood to develop melanoma in the future. It is clear that a child who has not reached puberty may not be likely to develop this condition. However, it will end up being greater in those who are in their teens or greater.

A person may also be more likely to develop melanoma if the congenital nevi are more common around the body. This includes cases where the nevi are larger in diameter or if there are more small spots around large spots.

How Can It Be Treated?

Congenital nevi can be treated in one of two ways. The first involves a medical procedure. Medication creams may work in minor cases. It will be critical for a doctor to review the nevi with regards to their locations and whether or not there is a potential for the nevi to become malignant in the process.

The second treatment option involves a surgical procedure. A surgical removal may be required in order to reduce the potential of nevi to grow or spread. This is recommended if there is an increased risk of the nevi being malignant.

Some laser treatments may work on some people. This may only work in cases where surgery may not work on a spot.

In summary, congenital nevi can be more than just unusual looking marks. It can be dangerous to some people. It is critical to ensure that the nevi are treated as carefully as possible.

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