Acanthosis Nigricans: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

April 1, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Disorders

In 1889, the first case of Acanthosis Nigricans was documented and scientists and doctors have been learning about it ever since then. It has been discovered that this condition is mostly found in individuals that are obese but this is yet to be proven that it is connected and it is still maintained that anyone can suffer from it.

This condition has been connected to having too much insulin in the body leading the insulin to spill over into the skin. Acanthosis Nigricans then presents itself under these conditions. The main parts of the body where this condition shows is the neck, the groin and under the arms. It generally starts as a black mark that over time when not treated correctly can spread over to other parts of the body. It is possible that this condition go unnoticed for some time because of the parts of the body where it originates.

The Causes

There are a few distinct cases of Acanthosis Nigricans. The main or most common cause is type 2 diabetes but eating the wrong foods can also cause it. Starchy foods as well as foods that are high in sugar can contribute to having this condition. These above factors are also the main reasons why the majority of individuals with this condition are obese. The individuals who eat a well-balanced and healthy diet have less difficulty with unhealthy foods, high sugar levels and diabetes therefore lowering the risk of having Acanthosis Nigricans.

There are thought to be eight different types of this condition but three of them are the most frequently found. The most common type is that related to obesity and diabetes. The next type is found most often in African American individuals that are otherwise seem quite healthy. The third is actually the most serious as it is caused by certain types of aggressive cancer.

There are specific groups of people who are at a higher risk of this condition than others. These groups include those individuals with darker skin, individuals with diabetes and those who are overweight. This being said, those that don’t fit into these groups are not ruled out in ever having it.

The Symptoms and Treatment

The symptoms of Acanthosis Nigricans include a dark colored velvety patch of skin that first appears on the neck or under the arm. It is only a dark pigmentation of the skin but individuals who have it should be tested for diabetes immediately.

There is no specific treatment for this condition other than treating the underlying cause. This might be the treatment for diabetes, eating a healthy and well-balanced diet and so on. To prevent it, individuals are recommended to change the lifestyle to a healthier one right away.

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