Makeup Care And Skin Care

February 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Makeup Tips

Makeup care is something we need to pay a lot of attention to. The makeup doesn’t stay too long for most women and it mainly depends upon the proportion of different cosmetics they use and the order of usage along with proper care taken to see to it that they don’t fade. No matter which make product you use – be it – foundation, face wash, face pack, liner, eye shadow, nail polish, sprays, powder, mascara, deodorant or anything associated with getting made up, has its own limitation or duration to last on your body. If you try to overuse these products, they can bring some side effects and these may show up with your skin. Always be careful to check with the expiry date before using any of these products.

Proper care of makeup accessories

When you are regular with cosmetics for your makeup then you need to pay attention to your dressing table more often, especially when you leave your lipstick or facial cream or any other kind of powder or foundation bottles open for dust particles to enter and get contaminated. This not only contaminates your cosmetics but also limits the time of usage. Makeup care is all about using your cosmetics with care and storing them properly. There are ways to store your makeup so you can ensure you have made the best use out of them.

It takes a little common sense with knowledge

Foundations usually don’t carry a long lifespan. You should make sure that you keep the bottle tightly closed and store it in a cool dry place. Never keep it in a place where there is direct sunlight as this will only spoil the content. You can easily determine from the smell and texture of the foundation if it is worthy of use or not. When the bottle is opened once, then you can use it for a maximum of one year and if kept closed, then they can last for two years at the most.

Lipsticks can last for at least one and a half years and you have to be very careful about storing them carefully. Keep them away from heat or even store them in the refrigerator in case you live in very hot conditions. Never share your lipstick with others as you would be inviting infections for yourself or spreading it to others.

These tips for makeup care can help you maintain your cosmetics and help you use them happily over a long period of time. .

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